
Downtown San Diego's future looks bright.

3 things fueling Downtown San Diego’s urban pocket of life sciences growth

May 21, 2024

Fueled by its walkable neighborhoods, young educated professionals, and life sciences innovation, Downtown San Diego's future looks bright. Photo credit: Studio Serra Photography

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See what it's like to live in iconic Downtown San Diego.

Life in San Diego: Downtown

May 21, 2024

Our region's central heart, Downtown San Diego offers numerous diverse, vibrant destinations for diners, daters, travelers, and nesters.

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11 vibrant coworking spaces in San Diego County

May 17, 2024

Are you tired of working from home and craving some social interaction? Look no further! San Diego County is home to a vibrant array of coworking spaces, each offering its own atmosphere and amenities.

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Why San Diego? Perfect weather, delicious tacos, and life-saving biotech jobs.

Thinking about relocating to San Diego? Here’s what you should consider

Jan 18, 2022

The start of a new year often encourages us to reflect on our lives and challenges us to reimagine all its possibilities. A shiny new job, a beautiful new place to call home, and a meaningful purpose to make the world, and our own world, a better place.  We’re here...

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Looking for new opportunities? Here are 3 tips to landing a job in San Diego.

3 tips for landing your San Diego job remotely

Jun 11, 2020

Professional preparation to secure your next job opportunity has become more valuable and relevant than in recent memory. With millions of workers sent remote by COVID-19, remote job searching and hiring is our new normal. Now is the time to prepare to land your next job by reflecting on the...

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Get all the COVID-19 answers you want via our virtual panel.

San Diego science & COVID-19: meet the experts

May 13, 2020

If you’re anything like us (lost your Biology 101 notes, and still don’t know the difference between “mitosis” and “meiosis”), you’ve been Googling a lot of questions about COVID-19. Like…what’s the difference between an antibody and an antigen? And…how close is science to finding a cure, or even a treatment?...

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San Diego’s life science venture capital (VC) scene comes into its own.

San Diego’s life science venture capital scene

Jan 15, 2020

If you’ve launched a medical tech company or just want to figure out how to improve the world through biotech, venture capital probably isn’t far from your mind. Here, we hear from a local life science venture capitalist about the state of life science venture capital in San Diego, resources...

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General Assembly helps San Diegans level up their careers.

General Assembly aims to level up San Diego careers.

Nov 19, 2019

Living in a growing hub for technology innovation and talent, San Diegans are uniquely poised to drive impact worldwide. To help connect locals with tech companies, internationally-recognized professional development organization General Assembly recently opened a location in Downtown San Diego. The team aims to help transform careers through mentorship, professional...

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